Hope Is a Newly Reformed Hardcore Raiding FC looking for Highly skilled and dedicated Raiders. Raid times are Currently Set to 6:00 pst to 9:00 pst Wenesday, Friday and Saturday(subject to change… Monday pickups may occur to progress in content before server reset).
As a Hardcore Raider you are expected to be Online and Ready to raid with any foods and materials you may need( they will not be provided for you).

ilv 90+ with ilv95+ weapon (Atma weapons will not be accepted as a substitute)
Turn 5 kill (we will not get it for you)
Turn 6 experience (mention how much in your application)
Turn 7 experience (mention how much in your application)

If you have any questions comments or concerns please send a message to

F'lahsh Bahng
Angel Eyes
You must be logged into Guildwork in order to apply and/or view your application status.